Sunday, May 30, 2010


I was watching TV the other day, I can't remember what show. It was political. Bill Maher? Rachel Maddow? The guest on the show was a guy who in 2008 predicted the collapse of the real estate and the subsequent recession. He's predicting another recession for later this year. (Hope he's wrong...)

But that's not what I'm writing about. He was asked about gold as a refuge for cash. Gold has gotten to more than$1200 and people are selling old jewelry and whatnot to get some hedge against uncertain times. The guy replied to the question about gold thusly "invest in Spam. It lasts for 1000 years and you can eat it."

He said gold has no real value. Which is true. Something, anything, gold, diamonds, Picassos are only as valuable as what someone else is willing to pay for the item. Gold is pretty; diamonds too. (though my tastes have always leaned toward Tiger's Eye or now Jade.) But you don't need it to live and in the event of worldwide economic collapse, a pantry full of Spam really would prove more valuable than gold.

In the event of destruction it pays to be pragmatic.

If the world is going to be destroyed by a meteor the size of Africa who do you pray to? Scientists with big ass Guns.

They might be able to do something about it.

So let the people who want to spend money on gold do so. I'm buying Spam. (With the hope I'd be able to barter it for real food. Like hot dogs.)

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