I went to another life class in Santa Monica last night. I'm now on the email list. So the last Sunday of every month this class happens. They have 2 models. Over 4 hours, one does 2 long poses, and one does 25 minute poses. There are all levels of talent and experience. I'm at the lower end. What I see in my head doesn't translate to the paper. Yet. I have always had a good eye with a camera, but I don't have to get the subject right, the camera captures the person.
Last night I wasn't shy about going. I didn't know any of the models, so I'm just one of 30-40 people sketching them. Despite the models being nude, it's really not sexual. I'm looking at shape and shadow and trying to get the drawing as right as my "talent" can. One pose, however, was sexual in my mind. The model was on all fours. She was posed like you would see in a Frazetta or Boris painting; kind of primal and sexual without being overt. That pose woke up the animal in me. For that one my artistic detatchment was not completely detached. The drawing was okay, but not great.
I find bodies are easier to draw. Faces are hard. You have to get them right or they don't look like the person. The body is more subjective. So if the angle is not right, or you fudge an arm position, that's okay. If you fudge a nose or an eye you end up with cubism.
The models walked around the room when they were on small breaks and looked at the sketches. There was a guy in front of me who was really good. He also had a cool perspective. Not only did he draw the 2 models on the stage, he drew the stage, the background, and the foreground of the other people in front of his position who were also sketching the models. I never thought of including them in my view. Now I may...
I'm going to go back and do the class when I can. I like drawing. And why not draw nudes? I'd practice, but I don't know anyone who would pose so I can practice. If I draw without a model, it ends up looking very much like a comic book.
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