Monday, October 26, 2009

U2: the Good

I love this band. I have for 22 years. I liked them in the early '80s, but Joshua Tree is what pushed me over into Fan status. This last album didn't do much for me, however, but I'll have to go back and listen again.
After the Screaming Bitch disappeared (see the blog entry below) I got to enjoy the show. I loved the lights, I loved the screen. I have worked a lot of concerts but that screen was unique. I love the big songs they have. The ones that you recognize from the first chords. I also enjoyed looking at the crowd. For me, this type of thing is church. That sort of oceanic feeling, of being connected to 100,000 fans all grooving on the same music.

If you watch the band they are having a blast. But who wouldn't? I was onstage with them for a couple concerts, just working tech, but the energy you get from the audience is amazing. The picture is a view of the crowd from where I was. So big a cell phone camera can't encompass the scope of it.

I'm realizing I'm not telling much about the show. I could tell you a set list, but that doesn't tell you how it made me feel to be there. It was great. One of the few bands I would pay to see. Again and again. I was a bit bummed they didn't play "Pride". That is probably my favorite song from their entire career as a band.
A great memory filed away in the unique U2 file in my brain. I should blog some of those... Hm...

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