Thursday, October 22, 2009

Overheard at Sky Harbor.

I was sitting at the airport in Phoenix waiting for my delayed flight to arrive and take me back to the Land of LA when I overheard, or rather couldn't help but overhear, a teen-aged girl talking on her cell phone. Now it seems that the advent of cell phones have made the loud talking about private things in public places commonplace. This conversation she was having was about abortion.

People are pro-life or pro-choice according to their beliefs. I'm not too concerned about a person's views. But what I was appalled by was this girl's her lack of information and really poor verbal skills. She said the word "like" every second or third word. I am not the Language Police. I mess up the english language and cuss like a trucker. But to hear her, like, say, like, the poor, like, verbal stop that, like, helps, like, give a person, like, time to form a sentence. That shit bothers me.

I wanted to ask her if, like, she knew, like, just how uneducated she, like, sounds. Because the word "like" is for comparison. This thing is similar to this other thing. It's not meant to be used in such a manner. And when she is talking about a topic such as abortion, it totally made me think she knew nothing about what she was speaking.

For instance: She was asserting that a 4 month old fetus is viable to live outside the mother's womb. Uh, no. Not really. This is taken from webMD: A 16 week old fetus is "4.3 to 4.6 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 2.8 ounces." That is not viable to live outside a mother. Not even with the most incredible premie care would this baby have a good chance of surviving. The lungs are not formed, despite the fact that it has fingernails. Please. If it did live, it would have a host of maladies that extreme premies have to cope with in life. Someone pro-life person told her misinformation and she is out there spreading it.

If you haven't figured it out, I am pro-choice. I have no right to tell anyone what to do with their bodies. I might have an opinion, but you can tell me to shut up. I am pro-children but not in the crazy octo-mom kind of way. I am pro-intellect. Know what you speak of before you open your mouth. Nothing defeats your argument than lack of information, and the word "like".

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