Saturday, October 24, 2009


As an actor I don't get into Halloween like normal people do.

Civilians get all into dressing up and acting out. I do that for a vocation, so I am a bit more mellow about the whole thing. I am a stickler for details, however. If I do a costume I get very precise. When someone I know had a "come as a God party" I was Zeus. I had lightning bolts. I had business cards that said "Zeus, King of the Gods". My phone number was on some of them. Those I handed out to girls. I was Zeus after all. Notorious skirt chaser, to put it mildly.

In my closet I have some great costumes. Superheroes and super villains, samurai, ninja, jedi knights, and Elvis (custom made '68 Comeback special.). So I can just pull something out. But I dont' get all crazy. I don't know. Because I do silly stupid things onstage I don't feel pressure to be crazy at a party. I rarely get crazy at parties. But maybe that's just me.
Women go nuts. I pointed out to one girl that all the choices for women are sexy. Sexy nurse, sexy cop, sexy cavewoman. It seems a bit one sided. Guys don't have the sexy choices. But I really don't know if guys are sexy in the same way as women. I'm still a fan of the sexy alien or any other sexy that a girl wants to put on. I'm a big fan of cleavage.
And for the guys who get dressed up in drag at Halloween. Every year. Uh, you have unresolved issues, I think.

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