Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jaycee Lee Dugard

I have been watching and listening with horror to the coverage of the 11 year old girl who was kidnapped and held captive for 18 years. Became a mother as a teenager by this kidnapping child rapist. Then you have the recrimination and second guessing that comes when something like this is uncovered. How was it not found earlier...

She is going to have a long road back to whatever "normalcy" she might be able to find. It's not going to be easy. But what about the child rapist? He has already pleaded "not guilty." So has his wife. Now in situtations like this that are so apparent that this fucker is guilty, he should have instant capital punishment. It's not as if the girl were camping in his back yard for 18 years and he didn't know. He fathered her 2 daughters. Guilty. (sound of gunshot to the head.)

I hope and pray this girl, she might be 29, but she is still a little girl in so many ways, gets help. And I hope this guy, who was a registered sex offender, goes away for the rest of his life. Which can be shortened by putting him in with the rest of the general prison population. It's kind of ironic, but in prison, convicts don't like child rapists; they don't last very long...

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