Friday, September 11, 2009


Eight years ago today we were attacked in an unprecidented and very successful way. No other attack on anything in the US had this kind of body count, or damage.

I learned about it shortly before 7 am. Someone called me and said, "turn on your TV." Bleary-eyed I did so and saw one of the twin towers burning. Then I saw the second tower get hit. It was shocking and unimaginable on so many levels. I got ready for work and put a tape in the VCR to record the news. I listened to it on the radio, but I wanted to see it later. I still have the tape, and I never looked at it...

While working that day it was strange seeing the sky devoid of planes. And a woman I didn't know in an elevator of a building I was in started talking to me, "Isn't it awful? How do you fight this?" I didn't know what to say. I agreed it was awful. And as far as fighting it, well, I figured we'd do something.

Work that day sent me out to buy an American flag for the window. I don't know, but I think it still might be there at Gartner. I wanted to do something like give blood. Not that it would do anything for the wounded in NYC, but I felt pretty helpless. Also, a friend had moved to NYC 9 months before so people were trying to find out if Jen Boutell was okay. She was, but it wasn't until the afternoon that this was learned.

The events of 9/11 made me thougthful and weirded me out for a long time. Played out as a fatalistic mood swing. 9/11 broke the invincible shell America had. We recovered, lost some liberties, are in two wars, and are no longer an invincible superpower.

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