Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Okay! Fine! After much haranging and mild verbal beatings I finally joined Facebook.
It was easy and I am surprised that I wasted hours and hours on it today. I also waited with anticipation after sending friend requests. Would they be my friend? or would I be ignored? I'm still trying to figure out how people I don't know thought I would okay a friend request. Could they make a new category? Acquaintence's request? For people you know but may not consider a friend.

Because, really, some people have hundreds of friends. But how well do they really know these people? Do you invite them to 4th of July fireworks? Labor day barbques? Kareoke at the neighborhood bar? Probably not. I don't have hundreds of friends, but those I consider friends I might help moving, or drive them to the airport. Maybe not at some real awful hour. Though with the 405, that is virtually all the time.

My friend Shele says I need to figure out how this will fit into my life. I'm kind of thankful I don't know how to do it on my phone... Seen some crazy Facebook checkers lately...

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