Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Super Hero!

When I was working on some Corporate gig about 3 years ago, I became a superhero.


This was some Corporate gig. I had to sign a NDA because I might overhear something top secret. Yeah, right. It was 9 days of work and a paycheck. And I totally didn't care. I got paid to sit around and do nothing for most of that time. When I did have to go do something I totally didn't care. Usually I have some kind of pride and work ethic, but I just couldn't get it up. So to speak.

And I came up with Captain Apathy! (tm. all rights reserved.) I would do theme music, "Bum, bum, BUM!" Stand with my legs apart, put my hands on my hips like a Superman pose, then deflate and say, "Fuckin', nevermind. I don't give a shit, do what you want." This became a running joke for days on the job. The whole crew was Captain Apathy, but until then they hadn't put a voice to the emotion.

Later I would work other production gigs and run into some of the guys from that job. They didn't remember my name, but they remembered the Captain. They were still doing the running joke. Kind cool to know I am the Captain of not caring... Hm...

At the moment I feel the Captain is close. Somewhere off to the side. Because there is so much uncertainty in my life right now, I am having a hard time caring. If I gave my full attention to the things I have little or no control over and let myself worry about it, I'd have ulcers or become an alcoholic to anesthesize myself.

Sometimes not caring and letting go is all you can do.

Thanks, Captain Apathy!

1 comment:

LolaDiana said...

I love Captain Apathy. I am his female sidekick Slackerina