Thursday, April 15, 2010

Man/Dude Ratio

I was having a conversation via Facebook IM with someone who has a son. Casey is a teenager and not yet a man. In the course of the conversation with Jaz, I expounded on the concept of being a Man as opposed to being a Dude.

I may be over 30 but still don't consider myself a Man.

A Man has a certain gravitas. Weight. Responsibility and respect. A Man garners respect. A Man walks in a room and you know it. Something about him demands attention.

A Dude is a little harder to define. There is more fun involved. More adventure. A bit of the Peter Pan, but not in a bad way. Dudes are more likeable, and raise hell at times. But they don't garner much respect.

Now, no one is either 100% Man or Dude. There is a mix in any individual.

My Dad is 70% Man and 30% Dude. He owned a motorcycle for 45 years or more and went to Alaska and thru the Alps on a bike. That's kind of a cool Dude. But he also worked very hard and raised a family. When he didn't like his job he left and eventually started his own business. He's his own boss.

I know of someone referred to as "The Man." He has gravitas and an amazing brain. But he can also do Monty Python sketches from memory. So he's probably 75% Man and 25% Dude. He was more of a Dude when he was younger, I'm pretty certain of that.

I'm probably 40% Man and 60% Dude. I'm more of a Man when working because I have to pay attention. I fuck up and people can die. So for work, 90% Man and 10% Dude. But I have no wife or kids, or even a dog. I take a backpack and wander the world when I can afford it. That's pretty Dude-like.

So think about the men you know. What is their percentage of Man to Dude? How much Gravitas to Goofball?


shelly blaisdell said...

This is an excellent topic of conversation with girlfriends . . . I'm also pondering the the Girl / Woman equation.

I have NO clue what my ratio is.

spartacus said...

I don't know what would be the female equivelant for man/dude. I was thinking about it as I wrote. But since I am 40/60 I couldn't come up with anything.