Monday, April 5, 2010

Self Help Me

Someone recently invitied me to an introductory seminar for a thing. The kind of self help, you can do it!, course you pay for, then there's an intermediate class, and then the advanced course. There are DVDs, and CDs and books to buy. And the national conference in Hawaii, you wouldn't want to miss that!

I said I wasn't interested and emailed to elaborate more on why I wasn't interested.

I work around 5 self help seminars a year. I don't remember what they are called, it doesn't matter, I am there to take down motors and get paid. The conferences are very similar to religious services; many of the things are the same: Whether its faith in you, the self help program or God.

I watch the as the seminars are ending from the back of the room. I am always early for the call time, and these things tend to run late. A magnetic speaker, personality is making the room full of people feel good about themselves. They give all the people around them big hugs and then later give those they missed big hugs. And for a little while these people who are hungry for something; they may have low self esteem, crappy jobs, feel alone or isolated, for a little while they feel good about themselves. They feel like they can go out and conquer the world!

We should all feel good about ourselves. We should feel like we can conquer the world, like we are in charge of our Destiny. But I have a problem with self help seminars that make big promises for big fees. We should all have unconditional love and acceptance, but we shouldn't have to pay to get it from a room full of strangers.

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