Saturday, April 10, 2010


The Republicans trot out this threatening delaying tactic when there's something about the President's agenda, policies, or anything they don't like. They threaten to filibuster.

Go right ahead. Please. Please filibuster.

Please, stand up on the floor of the Senate and talk non stop for the time of the filibuster. You can't drink, you can't sit, you can't stop, you can't go to the bathroom. If you do anything that stops the flow of words from your mouth, it's over. Try standing for two hours without touching anything leaning on anything for support.

The Senate leader can require it to be an old fashioned filibuster. Now it can be one or a series of Senators. Let them filibuster. For as many days as they want to. After a 30 day filibuster, see how the people react to the party of "no". See if the people don't vote out these obstructionist bastards. Make them stand and talk.

The threat of a filibuster should be called. You want to do it you will have to do it the old fashioned, Jimmy Stewart, "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington" way.