Friday, February 4, 2011


I got cast in the play, The Real Inspector Hound by Tom Stoppard. I'm playing one of the 2 leads, basically. The play is very well written, the playwright is the one who wrote the movie Shakespeare in Love. His dialogue is great, the vocabulary is awesomely English. I have huge chunks of monologue that I do.

I do feel the urge to do something with the words more than just say them. Because I am the sole focus for some large chunks of time, I feel the need to work the words to make them dynamic. Which is not acting. I'm just insecure that I won't be interesting enough to hold the audience for such a long period of time. The insecure actor in me wants to camp it up or over act because I think the audience will think, "He's still talking!"

Part of the problem is I'm just learning the words. I still need to find the music of them in relation to my character. It will work out. It always does. I did a one man show 3 years back. Over 90 minutes of me talking. But as the physicist Richard Feynman. It was a huge task, but I never felt the need to ACT because I knew and loved the character so well.

Just need to settle in...

1 comment:

shelly blaisdell said...

I am looking forward to seeing this show! what are the dates?