Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Scientific Break Thru!

Scientists have created a computer that simulates the brain of a cat.
Really? How does this manifest? The computer ignores you? It brushes up against you but won't let you touch the keyboard? It smacks around a ball of digital yarn? It suddenly decides it needs to be in the next room IMMEDIATELY? More important, how would you know for certain you had accomplished such a task?

So, some brainiac has created a computer that thinks totally illogically and selfishly. One that is distracted easily by birds or fish. One that attacks your moving feet under the covers as you sleep.

To what purpose? How does this improve the world? Making a computer even more confounding than they sometimes are? This time could be better spent. Doing, uh, smart... stuff...

1 comment:

shelly blaisdell said...