Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I don't have anything in particular to blog about. So I will do a few small things.

How to Make Love to Adrian Colesberry, by Adrian Colesberry. This is a book by a friend of mine I know from doing extra work. Years ago he would be writing with a stylus on a small hand held device. (I don't think anyone has them anymore.) One day during a lull on a beer commercial I asked him what he was doing. "Writing a book" was the reply. This is an impressive task. And even more astounding is he completed it and it was published. Lots of people start books. Few finish. Fewer get published. This will be a fun read. Congrats Adrian. He was always kind enough to come to my plays and say nice things afterward. (even if they were merely ok.)

Screenings. I have been going to a lot of screenings lately because I am in the SAG Nominating Committee. Which means I get notices in the mail about lots of movies; some I have seen; some I haven't seen; some I have never heard of. When the notices come in I tape them to my livingroom wall and cirlce the ones I want to see. I have a 7' x 7' portion of my wall covered with notices. So I have been going to 5 movies a week lately. Last time I was in the SAG Nom Com, I had a job that kept me so busy and so exhausted so I saw only one movie. I'm making up for lost time. Anyone wanna see a flick?

Muppet Burlesque. You read that correctly. I went to see a friend of mine perform in Muppet Burlesque at the Monday Night Tease. It was funny and weird. I was afraid it would wreck my childhood, but I had in excess of 25 more years it couldn't touch...

Paper Clutter. I went looking for last year's tax return. Didn't find it. I have a good decade worth of paper clutter in my apartment. I have a shredder for the junk mail and use that, but to clear out this kind of detritus I would need a industrial shredder. Or a flamethrower. I will clear out a lot of this stuff, but it will probably kill the shredder I have. Need a fireplace. Heat, light, and destruction! Awesome.

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