Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I was reading the paper today about on-line privacy. I do google my name occassionally. I also go to my IMDb page but that it just to raise up the "star meter". It's silly but I don't like being in negative numbers...

Anyway, I learned about a website, www.snitch.name . This website is like a white pages for a bunch of other websites, but things like Facebook and Myspace and Pipl. There were websites I had never heard of. You can look for inmates in prison . Awesome. So I put my name in and hit "enter." It found the sites I know of. But I also found my name on websites I never heard of. It was a little scary. Information on the web is perpetually out there, and once it's out there it's like trying to capture smoke. You can't get it back in.

So what did I do? I put in other names of people I know. To see what comes up. Even one friend who is a techno peasant is out there on the internet in places I bet he doesn't know about. There are old addresses and pictures and all sorts of an electronic trail now that was not around or accessible with this ease 15-20 years ago.

And people still bug me to join Facebook.

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