Monday, July 6, 2009

The Swing

Getting back into the swing of things in my life has been somewhat difficult. I kind of don't want to lose the deliberateness I had found while travelling, but need the routine that clothed and fed me. Though, work is so very slow, I can't tell you.

On the Road it was fun. Now I'm back stuck in traffic on the 405 and I just want to not be stuck in traffic on the 405. The rut was nice to be out of. But inexorably I'll end up back in it.

Basically, I want more than this rut has to offer, but I don't know how to get out of it or what to do to get me out of it. I'm just flayling around.

What was it Thoreau said? "Most men live lives of quiet desperation" I want to get noisy about this desperation. So I can stop being desperate.

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