Thursday, July 9, 2009


It's soon! and once again I am on a panel talking about acting. Which is brilliant. I find it a bit scary being up there as, well, me. I have been in front of 500 people as fools and kings, but being myself is scary. I'm not up there alone, and the questions are similar to what has been asked in previous years. So I have a good idea of what people will ask. And since the panel is about shooting on the cheap, which all of us have done, and the conditions of the shoots, it's easy to chat about.

Best part? I get in free for 4 days of the Con. I have been going to comicon since, uh, 1986? I was just a kid. It was smaller than it is now. Maybe 10% of the crowds you get now or even less. But it was fun.

I had hall costumes I would wear. Longshot, or Sabretooth. It was fun. I think I will be bringing Scarlett Spider and Carnage to wear. Ashamedly, I must admit to being a paparazzi whore. Me and my friend Terry went to Dragon Con in Atlanta in 2000. 1999? I don't recall. We would wear costumes down in the halls, and everyone would take our pictures. He was Spider-man and I was Scarlett Spider or Carnage. We couldn't walk 3 feet without someone stopping us to take our pictures. It was kind of awesome... And no one knew who we were...

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