Saturday, September 27, 2008

Memory, Moments, Music.

I find the way my memory works kinda interesting. I have a pretty good memory. I recall all sorts of facts and information. I also recall the things I have done. But I can't remember what I had for lunch last thursday, or dinner yesterday. It might be because food is just fuel to keep the machine running, and I don't really care about it much.

Now the way I remember the things I have done is in Moments. I recall doing things in context of how the situation happened, where I was, the sights, sounds, and smells involved. But some of the transitory stuff, what happened in between the Moments is a bit vague at times. How did I necessarily get to that Moment? That doesn't seem important, so I don't really remember it. Like in a movie when a character goes from one location to another, you rarely see them driving to get there.

I also remember things in relation to music. I was listening to a radio station that was doing an '80s weekend. I grew up in the eighties and probably will remember the music from that era better than any other time. It was important because of the context in my life. Like I hear "With or Without You" by U2, or most any song from Joshua Tree, and I am placed onstage with U2. I was working the concert and dressed in blacks, but I was there. Many songs from the '80's I remember hearing them in a specific place, and I can tell you what year it came out by where I was at the time.

I also remember a lot of details when it comes to women I have known. I recall all sorts of things. How they kissed, where I met them, some of what was said. I can recall the feel of their skin, the sounds in the dark, sights, scents. ( I need to blog about women... hmmm..) Some girls I met at parties, and even though there may have been lots of alcohol involved, I still remember. I also remember, sometimes, all too well after a girl tears out my heart... again. And forgetting of that kind is tough.

Does everyone have a brain that works this way? Capturing Moments like a fly in amber? Or am I just unique? I'll sometimes say to a friend, "you remember when..." and they don't. I give enough detail and it jogs their memory.

Well, I've got to get to the next location for the next scene...

1 comment:

shelly blaisdell said...

"capturing moments like flies in amber."
This kills me. My memories change over time and I wonder who or what is changing them. I imagine the photo shop programs where in you can take a photo and soften sharp edges, bulge out certain elelments, completely erase things that you dont like or put light in dark places. I feel like my memories are always going through that process until they reach some moment that I uncounscously "save changes" and then they are frozen.