Thursday, October 28, 2010


I was reading the comments from an article on Yahoo. This was the comment from an Arkansas school board member who is resigning from the school board for gay bashing. Not merely gay bashing, but suggesting that gay teens should just kill themselves. And he "enjoyed the fact that they often give each other AIDS and died." The comment in defense of this man is pasted without any help from me. All the grammar, and misspellings are their own.

"We should pray for peoples in the world today, because every body talking about their right, we have a right to respect each other to. I don't care what you say, If everybody was gay there wouldn't be any girls are boys to turn gay, because ther wouldn't be any pregant women,so God wouldn't say be fruitfuly and replesin the earth, so God is a lie, that what all you people are saying, ok women stop getting pregant, let the gay have it, because i know that God made male and felmale, that why you train up a child in the way he are she should go and they will not part from it. God got right to, God right is be ye holy, for i am holy, have you went to God in pray and ask him to help me get rid of thing you don't like about your self, and was serious about it, because the God i serve can do the imposible thing, see he heal me, deliver me, set me free from sin isures, done so much for me, you got to mean business when dealing with God. I am going to keep on praying for all the peoples in this whole wide world. Nancy"

This seems to be written by someone who believes in God. But apparently not in a dictionary, correct grammar, or sentence structure. Or God's mercy or forgiveness. This person should talk to someone who is gay. Ask them if it's a choice. This is Sarah Palin's America of God fearing common people.

But I'm an elitist liberal...

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