Saturday, February 20, 2010

"I Was Wondering..."

"what happened to you," said Mark Anderson.

I was working on a rigging job at the Terrenea Resort. The rigger, John, was someone from Phoenix and we knew a lot of the same people. While we were talking one of the guys who works for him called. It was Mark. We used to work together before I moved to LA. John handed me the phone and Mark and I chatted for a few minutes. He has 3 kids and says he is old. He said he thought about me the other week. It was something related to a U2 concert we were working. In the camera rehearsal I was onstage standing in for Adam the bass player. It was cold and rainy and 3 a.m. It was awesome.

"I was wondering what happened to you" he said.

Fuck What has happened to me? A lot, but it seems like very little when you see where I still am in Hollywood.

It was nice to chat with him, but that sentence came at a time which has been very hard for me regarding money, my car being fucked up in a new way, and so many things.

It was a little bit of a reality check. An unwanted one.

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