Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dark Commandos

In my time here in LA I have gotten involved in some really cool projects. Probably my favorite was a web series called Dark Commandos. Vampires working as a black ops team for the government. What? you have heard of the premise before? This series originated in 2000 and shot thru 2001. All the other vamprie commandos out there now... got the idea from us. It's a shame you can't copyright an idea.

The series was shot primarily on a green screen. The creators were Tom Sanders and Ed Gross. Tom lives in LA and did 98% of everything. From the directing to editing to the post and all the animation. Since it was done on green screen, the backgrounds could be anything, and as freeing as that is, it's time consuming. So episodes didn't come out as regularly as the fans would have liked. We did have fans. From all over the world. It was amazing.

And people in the industry noticed. Buffy the Vampire Slayer people called up our makeup Goddess, Katt, and asked about the makeup for the vampires. She said, "pay me and we'll talk." They wanted something for nothing. The premise, vampire commandos was lifted by a comic book company for a book called CVO: Covert Vampiric Operations. How do I know they saw the book? One of their characters looked like ME and acted like Dreyfuss, my character in DC. Tom should have sued. But it's tough to prove they saw the series.

So what happened to DC? Life, work, etc... It was really too big a project for Tom to do alone. He needed help. And people would ask me after seeing the series, "how does it make money?" Well, that too is the problem with the internet. It didn't. Especially back then. Actor attrition was a factor. Out of 4 commandos, I am the only one still actively pursuing this career.

I mourn the loss of Dark Commandos. And I have been trying to 9 months to get the IMDb to list it. Their labyrinthian process for listing has been a problem, and so is the fact that we have to prove viewership and have media coverage in a major publication. It was 8 years ago. I know people saw it. I was at Comic-Con, bastion of all things Geek, and someone saw me and said, "Dreyfuss! I love your show!" That made my year. You have no idea...

I loved the character of Dreyfuss. I fought to keep him... pure. I've never had such an unrepentant killer to play. He didn't give a shit what anyone thought and would kill you if he felt like it. He was a vampire Wolverine. I'd play him again in a minute. For free...

1 comment:

LolaDiana said...

I saw Dark Commandos I LOVED dark commandos. Tell IMDB to talk to me.