Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Well, it's the end of another year. It went by pretty fast. I remember as a kid it took forever for things to happen. Birthdays, Christmas, summer. But now it just seems like; birthday-birthday-birthday!!

This year was interesting. I went to New Zealand and briefly toyed with the idea of never coming back. It was an awesome place with lots of potential. I went to Austraila, same thing happened. And I could learn how to scuba and spend the rest of my life diving the Great Barrier Reef.
But I came home...

I did a one man show. I had no idea I could do it, and I learned from the director later that I could have quit at anytime. I thought of doing so; the show was a hard thing to do, a lot of work, but I kept going so I didn't disappoint her. Thank God we were not communicating very well, otherwise I wouldn't have done the show.

I worked enough to survive, and prosper a little bit. But any extra I earned went to pay for New Zealand, and the upcoming trip to Sweden.

I want to do better this coming year in many ways. I want to earn more. I want to act in things that will actually pay me. I want to do voice-over in commercials and cartoons. I want to do more commercials. (I barely made SAG insurance. Made it by $10. I'm not kidding. $10.) I'd like to move to a really great place. Or have my upstairs neighbors die in a murder/suicide. Either would be fine.

Regular sex would be great, too.

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