Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I don't wake up in the morning rememberingwhat I dreamt the night before. I think I dream, but I don't recall things I dreamed.

Sometimes I remember something from a dream, usually as I am going about my day I'll flash on going somewhere or doing something I know never happened. It's a little weird trying to remember if I did the thing or dreamed it. Or maybe it's the secret agent programming bleeding thru to my real life. ;)

I do recall some dreams I have over and over. I remember them because they are so familiar from dreaming them multiple times. I have one dream in which I can move things telekinetically. That's right, I can use the Force! And when I wake up knowing I have dreamed this one again, this will sound silly, I try to move something using telekinesis. Got to try right? I have a hope that after dreaming this dream one night, a switch will flip inside my brain, and I will have access to the Force. I'll be able to move things!

That's a lot cooler than going to Atlantis with the crew of the Love Boat.

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