Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Wow. Can I just say I'm very glad that Barack Obama is the president elect? Wow. After 8 years of being mis-managed by Shrub. I'm ready for an elitist, liberal, socailist, marxist, muslim, friend of terrorists to run the country. Wait. Sorry, was just clearing out the bullshit lies told about Obama by his opponent. Wow. The vitriol spewed by the McCain Palin camp was amazing. But when you have no ideas or message you attack the guy.

If Obama is elitist, I'm fine with that. In my first blog back in August, I said I wanted someone smarter than me as preisdent. Someone who thinks and listens to the ideas and advice around him and then decides. The impulsive knee jerk thinking of Shrub has fucked up the USA and the world. Let's fix it.

That's a naive view of the world and what any president will be able to do, but just electing him has made the world think differently about us. So let's hope he can do many of the things talked about.

1 comment:

shelly blaisdell said...

Calling him Shrub is evil and I like that.