Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I'm always amazed at style. I don't really have one. Generally I wear Levi 501s and whatever t-shirt is next.

I'm talking about the style that takes a lot of time and preparation and dedication to do day in and day out. If it's celebrities, it's kind of part and parcel of the job. Standing out. So Lady Gaga has weird, crazy style. But it's all part of an act. If you are wearing a meat dress, you will get noticed. By the press if not by wolves.

But if you aren't a celebrity and style is a way of being noticed as different from the rest of the people, what would the cut off be? The point where you are saying, "That is too far. Takes too much time."

Walking around Hollywood you see all sorts of crazy styles. And sometimes I have to wonder is it worth it? The time involved to get hair to do that. Or to strap 54 leather bracelets up your arms. Or tight leather pants in 100 degree heat. Style sacrificed at the altar of comfort.

I don't really care that much about my image that I will take a lot of time to pick out clothes. I have some things that are dressy, and suits for work and auditions, but I basically don't care. About what I'm wearing or what people think about me.

It might be a left over camouflage thing from grade school and high school. If you looked different you were ridiculed. So you didn't deviate from the base line of what most kids wore. I was also not one of the kids in sports so being in the drama department, you were a target for ridicule.

I don't know. So many things about who you are are left over from school. Whether style or self image. The roots are deep.

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