Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tucson Nutjob

It's a week later and we know sooooo much more about the gunman in the Tucson shooting.

I'm not going to give specifics. We've been inundated with a constant stream of information about this guy. He scared the shit out of a lot of people and was kicked out of college for being a nutbag. Rarely do you hear people being interviewed say, "I knew he was going to shoot people sometime."

I don't think he's that nuts. He shut up as soon as he was arrested. He knew enough not to say anything to the police after being arrested. Makes me think he's not too crazy.

He's not a member of the Tea Party. A map with bullseyes may not have been in his radar at all.

He still killed a bunch of people. The reasons why are not simple...

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