Saturday, January 8, 2011

Guns, Guns, Guns, Guns, Guns, and Politics

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head today in Tucson at an event. As of right now, she is in surgery. I hope she makes it.

This senseless event seems to illustrate the wide disconnect in politics. The guy who shot her and 11 or 12 other people is in custody. I'm not going to call him the "Alleged Gunman". He's the only one at the event who was taken down with a gun in his hand as he fired into the crowd. Nothing alleged there. He fucking did it.

I am willing to lay odds (though I have no information as I type this.) that the 21 year old gunman is a Republican, probably part of the Tea Party, and I will also bet he loves Sarah Palin. Remember her comment in March of 2010? "Dont' Retreat, Instead -- RELOAD!" This kind of rhetoric is what is wrong in politics. The disagreements are not civil. They are so deeply felt that some nut job with a gun goes out to kill a member of Congress. And then fires into a crowd of people. A child was shot, for fuck's sake. So this Congresswoman won a tight election in Tucson, beating her Tea Party opponent, and she gets shot in the head.

The anger in politics, about politics, held by the voters is ripe for some nutbag to do something senseless like this. When this guy lawyers up, I'm sure they are going to go with a insanity defense. "He was crazy!" No, he was a member of the Tea Party. (This is my guess, I don't know his political affiliation.) And if he is a member of the Tea Party, Wow, they are going to have some PR problems...

For disclosure sake, I do have a gun. But it's not loaded and tucked safely away. I go shoot at ranges because it's fun. But I have respect for the weapon, the damage it can do and I think not everyone should own a weapon. There are some batshit crazy people out there with too many weapons.

This guy was there as an assassin. He meant to kill her.

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