This party is a big New Years Eve party. Being that it's in Hollywood you might think you'd get a lot of celebrities one might associate with this group. And you'd be wrong. I've heard no one famous is there. The part of this I see is the set up and strike. It's not like other jobs because most of the crew are members of the group. There are maybe 25-30 of them. Many are teenagers, and they all have a gleam in their eye that is vacuous and needy. There is generally one or two people who knows what is going on and the crew comes to that person seeking instruction constantly. They don't think for themselves. I heard someone who didn't know how to do something say, "I don't know the tech for this."
They have a spookiness to them all the non Planetologists notice and comment on to each other after discerning you are not one of the group. In fact, some make a point to say, "I'm not with the group." I do find them fascinating. I find religion and belief fascinating, but this is so beyond belief.
During the event a friend of mine was working. At the doors to the backstage area there were 2 large guys. "Are you with the hotel, or are you one of us?" They asked each of the dozen times he walked by them. Did they not recognize him, or are they supposed to ask everyone that no matter how many times they saw him? No independent thought seemed to be happening.
Everyone needs to figure out how to make it thru this strange universe. I don't care what people believe as long as they aren't blowing themselves up in a market place or sacrificing puppies to a demon in some arcane ritual. People figure out a way to make sense of it all. Some use religion, some use drugs, some use alcohol. In moderation 2 out of the 3 aren't bad. But this group preys on those looking for something and gullible enough to buy the line of shit they are selling.
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