Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Burning Books

Burning books is an age old tradition. From the burning of the library of Alexandria, to the Nazis, to the book burnings in the South. If someone finds something objectionable they think burning it is going to squelch the ideas in that book. It's a pretty stupid theory. You don't destroy the thought, you just show your own bigotry and ignorance.

Pastor Terry Jones (not the Brit from Monty Python) is going to burn the Koran to protest the attacks on 9/11. This has recieved global condemnation from governments, religious leaders, and generals fighting the war in Afghanistan. But this has not detered him. I think all the coverage has secretly given him a hard on for attention. I bet money no matter what happens this Saturday, he will do something as outrageous or more outrageous because he has now become a whore for the limelight. This guy will become the equivilant of Lindsay Lohan. The Paris Hilton of the pastoral set. He runs a church no one ever heard of that has 50 people in the congregation. He was kicked out of the church he started in Germany for stealing from the money collected from the flock. This guy is not a holy man. He's an opportunist.

He says he is burning the books because the Koran, "is evil because it espouses something other than biblical truth and incites radical, violent behavior among Muslims." Well, of course, it espouses something other than "biblical truth", fuckhead, it's not the Bible. And what do you think will happen after you burn the book?

There is an easy fix to the book burning. And one I think just might happen. It is legal in this Florida town to have a small campfire on your property. Small bits of woods and twigs. It is not legal to burn anything bigger, for example, books. So have the fire department sitting there with hoses primed and ready. The moment he throws the first book in the fire, go great guns on the fire with 3 high powered hoses. Soak everything and everyone in the immediate area. Then have the sheriff arrest him for illegally starting a fire or some such. Haul him away, in front of all the media that is certain to be there, soaking wet in handcuffs.

If any American anywhere is killed because of a reaction to this book burning, sue him in court for 50 million dollars.

You have the right to practice any religion you want. You have the right to free speech. You can burn books if you are so inclined. You have the right to be a closed minded fuckhead. But really, Pastor Jones, what would Jesus do?

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