Thursday, March 11, 2010


There are some movies I see once and that's enough. Don't need to see them again.

Then there are some movies I see and I'll remember the dialogue and major scenes. Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles are that way. Airplane too. That happens with comedies mainly. I don't really remember the dramas that well unless it's something that everyone quotes as part of a societal zeitgeist thing. Everyone quotes the Godfather, but how many people have seen it more than once or twice? Everyone quotes it, that's the shared experience.

There are some movies I have seen dozens of times for various reasons. Star Wars, The original where Han shoots first, thank you very much, Reno. That's the first movie I think where I actually thought of acting as a profession. You get to pretend to fly spaceships and shoot stormtroopers and blow shit up? Awesome! How do I get to do that?

Other movies I have seen dozens of times connect with me on some level. Spartacus. (Well, not dozens of times, but duh.) A Knight's Tale. (It's on cable all the time.) To Catch a Thief. (How fucking cool is Cary Grant?) Love Actually. (Great flick.) You've Got Mail. (Nice smaltzy rom com.)

Some movies are great, but I never want to see them again. It's just too much as an experience. The Pianist. (I would have blown my head off if I were him. Too painful to endure.) Saving Private Ryan. (Wow. Good movie. Just once, thank you.)

Am I watching Fellini films? Not really. Horror movies? No thanks. I want to be entertained. Transported for the 2 hours I sit watching it. Don't preach to me or try to change me. Move me, inspire me. Please do not depress the shit out of me. And if you try to scare me I'm going to react with the "fight" part of the fight or flight response.

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