Sunday, March 21, 2010

Healthcare Passes!

Tonight the House of Representatives passed healthcare reform by a vote of 219 to 212. They made it by 3 votes. Guess how it shook out. Straight down party lines. Wow, that is unexpected. Actually, no, that was completely what I expected.

I didn't watch the vote. I looked briefly at CNN and saw John Boehner spewing his hateful rhetoric about the bill and what will happen. I couldn't watch that guy. He makes me so mad I want yell at the TV so loud he can hear me. So I turned the DVD player and watched Dr. Who. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen. I'd watch the news later.

For Republicans I wanted to tell them there already are death panels. They are just run by the insurance companies not the government. Whenever they turn down a life saving procedure, there's your fucking death panel. When they cancel someone with a pre-existing condition, there's your fucking death panel. Because if the condition is bad enough to cost the company a lot of money that they cancel the policy, it's probably bad enough to kill you eventually.

I would have liked a public option so I could do it myself. I now have Kaiser, but I'm new. I don't know if they are good.

The thing I find funny, programs like Social Security, Medicare, are long established federal programs, which by a Tea Bagger's definition, would be Socialism. But if you asked the Tea Baggers who were out there protesting to give up the program or return all the money they get every month from Social Security I bet they would say "no." Damn Socialists! Given time, after the kinks are worked out, "Obama-Care" will probably become as expected and valued as Social Security.

What other big thing will the President do next?

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