Friday, January 8, 2010

Underwear Bomber

The Christmas day bomber, now going to be known forever as the Underwear Bomber, from the flight to Detroit slipped thru security due to people not paying attention to a few red flags.

He paid cash for his one way ticket. Almost $2800 and he had no luggage. Just a small backpack. Warning! Pull this guy out and search him a bit more than that.

I do like the fact that the passengers were paying attention and kicked this guy's ass. Hijacking is no longer a guy with a gun wanting to go to Cuba. Passengers are not meekly submitting to a threat. They are actively going to fight to survive or thwart the attack. 2 times these would be bombers had equipment failures. Shoes didn't blow up and the guy's crotch caught on fire.

America is fighting the last war on terrorism with tactics gleaned from all previous attacks and failed or foiled attacks. The terrorist are looking at things as they are now, how they work, and trying to find a way around them. They are being proactive. We are being reactive. TSA needs to push the envelope and think outside the box. Or cave.

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