Thursday, June 4, 2009


I just flew into Stockholm, and boy am I tired.
Planes were not meant to be slept on by someone my height. I should have claimed a middle row for myself so I could stretch out. Didn,t think of it until they were all gone.
So far... everyone looks like all the Scandinavian people I know. Bo, Kari, Gus, and others of viking decent. Kinda funny. I see what could be their cousins.
The automatic door at the Coop grocery has a motor that sounds like a Wookie when it opens and closes. I,m a geek, what can I say?
Keyboards in other countries are weird. Which is why this is going to be oddly punctuated. And I,m leaving it that way.
I get on a train to Oslo tomorrow. And I need more than 4 hours sleep...

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