Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I have a bit of a problem with the 33 year old woman in LA who had octuplets last week. I've been following the news of this birth and the details of the mother and I want to know, what doctor thought it reasonable to implant 8 embryos? Normal fertility treatments might implant 2. 8? that's ridiculous. Also the mother is unmarried, there is no father, just a sperm donor. And she has 6 kids from 2 - 7 years old already.

The whole thing makes me think the woman is a bit nuts. Or a lot nuts.

Some previous multiple births have gotten donated houses and all the things you need to care for infants. Because this is a strange situtation medically & ethically, there have been no offers of diapers or formula or any big payday. So if this was a ploy to get set up for life... it doesn't seem the gamble is paying off.

I think she's going to end up on Oprah as a "what were you thinking?" story. Not "what a miracle!" story. It's not a miracle. It's medicine and self control gone wrong.

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