Friday, February 20, 2009


Everyone and their brother is on Facebook. Except me. I have been resisting it for a number of reasons. But this month they updated their terms of use and then reversed it because people were outraged. Anything you posted became the property of Facebook. In perpetuity, even if the account was cancelled. I have a big problem with that.

The policy was reversed to it's old terms after all the outcry, but I still kinda don't trust them. That's a sneaky bullshit manuever. And the reason they gave for it was crap.

I don't have a facebook, myspace, linkedin. None of them. I don't really want to talk to people I went with to third grade. The whole thing seems like a big time waster. As if the internet and, say, blogging, was really productive.

So, anyone out there want to let me know why I should be on Facebook, please, let me know. If I do it, I'm not posting anything I am willing to lose the right to in all perpetuity.

1 comment:

LolaDiana said...

Hey Brad, Longtime reader, occasional commentator. I spend WAY too much time on facebook, but itissss myyy preciiooouusss...