Monday, August 19, 2013

Comic Con Day 2

I woke Friday morning and prepared to meet my friend. Bill was coming to SDCC as my guest. I put on the costume du jour, Captain John Hart from Torchwood. It's a series that spun off of Doctor Who back in 2006. Bill has a spot on Captain Jack Harkness, and I made a Captain John that even the actor who played the part was impressed with when he saw it0 at Comic Con 2 years ago.

I waited for Bill to call me and tell me where to meet him. He had to park first and during Comic Con that isn't easy. At Comic Con something happens. A $100 hotel room goes up to $300. Shocking? Price gouging at something that gets 150,000 people.

I met Bill and we went to get his badge. We wandered around looking at stuff and having our picture taken by Torchwood fans. When I wore the same costume last year I did not get the same reaction. Why? Because without Captain Jack, most people don't make the connection to Torchwood. So I just get mistaken for Adam Ant during his Ant Rock days. Side by  side you can see what I mean.

I think it's the jacket. The buttons and braiding confuse people. I don't have a stripe across my face nor do I have dangly bits in my hair. I also have 2 guns and a sword  but I left the Samurai sword in LA. Try to move thru the convention floor with a full size katana.

People kept stopping us and telling me what I already knew. John Barrowman the actor who played Captain Jack was signing at a table. I wanted to go by. Not to get him to sign something for me, but to have him look at the costumes and say they are awesome. Yep. I wanted validation. The first time we swung by the table the line was huge and there was no easy way to get his attention. So we wandered a bit more and then went by his table again. He saw the costumes and said, "Those are great!" He chatted with us briefly and said he was at Dragon Con again this year.

So I got validation from Barrowman and Marsters on the costume. Which is nice. Yeah. When you costume you think something is good and rarely ever get the people who wore the costume to look at it and say, "Good job."

As for specifi c things that happened, well, that was maybe the highlight of the day. It was cool to hang out with my friend and chat. We see each other about twice a year. So it's good to catch up on his life and what he's doing.

After he left around 6 pm I went and changed into civilian clothes and met up with Zack and Joanna again. We went looking for dinner. On the way we ran into Neville Page. He's one of the judges on Face Off . We stopped him just to say we like the show, but then he hung out and chatted for about 5 minutes. Which for someone who is well know to take the time out is very cool.  He was interested in us and what we were doing at the con.

After dinner Zack there was a party from one of the comic companies he works with. It was down the street from the restaurant. Problem was the party ended at 10 pm. We got there about 10:15. We were still allowed in, but there was virtually no one left. Zack talked with the owner of the company and we had a drink. It was fun, but we didn't stay long. The bar was being broken down and the employees were wrapping things up. 

I left them and went back to the hotel to go to bed. The panel for Film School was the next day. I need to be sharp.

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