Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Babies Are Awesome

I like kids. I've liked kids for a long time. If women made sense I'd be a dad. But women don't make sense to me. I've had women tell me that women are nuts. They could get kicked out of the union for such a statement.

But that's not what this post is about. My friend had a baby on January 28th. I went over to meet the tike and hear about the delivery. After it was all done a delivery nurse said to my friend that "anything that could go wrong in a delivery did." Which is shocking and I won't recount the process here.  But this might be an only child. 

But now she has an adorable little girl. They have nicknamed her "Squeak" because she doesn't really cry, she squeaks. The baby is hungry and squeaking. Kinda funny.

I have never held a 5 day old baby before. I have tossed around 6 months olds and made 3 year olds fly, but 5 days? That's like handling a fragile china in my head. I did okay with her. She didn't cry. (Yay!)

So I had someone take a picture of me with the baby. I posted it on a social media site. I got a  lot of comments about how babies look good on me. And one girl I tried dating a year ago made a comment. The picture was cute. Within a few minutes of her post I was texted by her 3 times in one minute. "We should hang out."

This was kind of surprising. She wasn't interested last year, but a picture of me with a baby and there's renewed interest. A friend of mine said I should borrow the baby and go hunting for girls. It's like catnip to cats.

Are men such dicks about babies that women are drawn to a guy who isn't a jerk about  kids? How could anyone not like a baby?

They are cute so we don't eat them.

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