Saturday, January 14, 2012

7 Minutes

I sometimes think that a cool super power would be the ability to travel back in time. Now I don't need much. Just about 7 minutes.

Because if you really think about it if something is bad, gone horribly awry, you know within about 7 minutes. This covers small personal catastrophes. Not earthquakes or plane crashes.

But if you fall off a ladder or roof or step on a rusty metal spike or have a car accident, you know instantly this is a bad thing. You don't need a lot of time to mull it over. "Was this bad? Hmm..." the answer is undoubtably yes.

7 minutes would give you the chance to rethink the strategy that got you into the precarious situation and literally or figuratively, change direction.

As far as plane crashes or earthquakes go, fuck it. When your number is up, it's up. Because if you could tell someone that a plane is going to crash, would they believe you? Probably not. Call American Airlines and tell the person, if you actually reach a person, a specific plane is going to crash. They wouldn't believe it. Same with an earthquake. You might be able to convince a few people to get out of town, but most people would not believe it.

So all I need is about 7 minutes to right the small personal injuries.

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