Thursday, October 23, 2008

Prudent or Coward?

I just spent 20 minutes on the phone with Expedia. I cancelled the Thailand trip I had planned to take in January. I had 3 tickets; one to get to Bangkok, one to get to Phuket, and one to Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I cancelled them all because of the crazy political stuff going on in Thailand. And also a border dispute with Cambodia over a temple they both claim.

I talked to my friend's brother about 3 weeks ago. He's been to Thailand 2 times and is planning a trip for March of 2009. After talking to him my stress and nervousness decreased. Then the very next day on the news I saw 2000-3000 protesters rioting around the government offices in Bangkok. The tear gas being used by the Thai police was made in China, and blowing off the legs of the protesters when it explodes at their feet. 2 people died.

So I finally bit the bullet and cancelled the trip. I hated to do it, but it seems prudent. How often am I known to be the prudent one? Really? Me prudent? I'm the one cutting fire wood while drinking Margaritas. There would probably be little chance of me getting hurt if I went, but my trip was 3 months away, and the situation didn't seem to be getting any better. So when January 19th rolls around, I won't be getting on a plane to somewhere unique and exotic...

My next trip? I'm thinking Sweden in June. Things are not likely to be blowing up there... And I like blond women...

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