Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Flag

This image circulated around the internet this past week.

It was viewed with a number of different reactions. There was outrage that the flage was used in this way which is not in the US Flag Code. Or it was viewed as a picture of a precious baby held in the flag by the parent that served and sacrificed for her country to protect her child.

Then over the weekend was the LA Marathon. and I took this picture off of the TV at the end of the run.

This image is also not what the Flag Code condones, but at the end of the marathon they were given a flag as a celebration of the American winners. But did any of the people who were pissed off about the baby get pissed off about the flag/towel use for these 2 people.

If you read the Flag Code, it seems very concerned about how the flag is treated. Does anyone get pissed off when the flag or an image of the flag is turned into handbags or patches or flags that flap on the car windows as people drive? I've seen some of the car flags that are so tattered and torn that if it had been a flagpole flag, they would have retired it. But since it was on a Honda, continue. I wonder if other countries have regulations for how their flag is handled.

Seems to me that people like to get pissed off. I don't see anything wrong with either image.

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