Thursday, October 23, 2014

Politics 2014

Politics are getting really mean. Or maybe has always been mean.

 All the ads on TV before the November election are very mean. They don’t say much. They basically say their opponent sucks, or is liberal. In Arizona the worst thing you can say, apparently, is that your opponent is LIBERAL. And that a Democrat voted with Obama and his agenda.

The thing that makes no sense, it’s a Democrat voting with a Democratic president. All the GOP voted lockstep with George Bush. Isn’t that what you would expect? The person in the same party, who believes the same as the president, would vote for the things that president wants to do?  It’s common sense. And the candidates are running away from it. They are not embracing the ACA. It has gotten 10 million people health coverage. If the GOP crossed the street successfully, you heard about it on the news, “Yup, didn’t get run over while crossing the street!”

There’s  someone, who is not a candidate for anything,  putting  up  signs all over Scottsdale, AZ. “Want more bars and drunks? Re-elect So & so.”  Or, “Want Light Rail in Scottsdale? Vote So & so”

Um, what elected office is in charge of bars and drunks? I don’t know. Do you? And what is wrong with light rail? It might be a bit expensive to do, but there’s a lot of cities with light rail. San  Diego. Tucson. San Francisco. Why is transportation bad? I don’t get their reasoning and they didn’t explain why it’s bad.

What I do wonder about in politics is why politicians don’t get called out by the talking heads on TV who are interviewing them. When a politician says something that is blatantly false, why doesn’t the interviewer say, “No, that’s wrong.” And then bring out the truth? I end up screaming at the TV like Chuck Todd should be able to fucking hear me. It would be fascinating if they pressed the politician for the truth. How would they justify their positions?

I just want to vote. And then mourn the GOP taking the senate. They would do nothing useful except send crazy fucking bills to the president to sign. He will spend 2 years vetoing all the crazy. But the GOP doesn’t realize that the voters will remember and take vengeance on them and they will lose big in 2016.

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