Monday, May 23, 2011

Triple Down, Mr Camping

Ok. So Harold Camping is a bit off. He's pushed the Rapture until October 21, 2011.

Got that? It's just delayed a little bit. He's not vamping because he was WRONG.

Math is just so tricky. Especially biblical math. I mean, there's all those numbers and stuff. And then there's the Bible Code which you make numbers out of the words in the bible. And then there's just plain bullshit. That's what guys like this come up with. He's got a little Doomsday cult going on. He's not deluded in the same way as Jim Jones, or the Hale Bopp comet folks who poisoned themselves. But they are just as deluded as those people.

I would like to hear an interview with one of his followers now that he has tripled down on this bet. This end of the world bet. Are they still along for the ride? And if so, WHY?

It's 5 months away, so now we will have to live thru the same thing again. This Harold Camping is 89 years old. I don't want him to die before October 21st. That would be cheating. I'm sorry, but this fucker needs to be proven wrong again so no one will ever listen to his bullshit prognostications. He needs to see that he is wrong. Again. And then I'd like an apology to the world for this foolishness.

Is that too much to ask for?

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