Friday, May 20, 2011


Last week I was working a job in Las Vegas where the former 43rd President spoke. It was a hedge fund conference. So the place was jam packed with republicans. As a democrat, I watched the crowd as they went nuts for this president that jacked the economy, started an unnecessary war, and thought torture was a good thing.

I must admit there was electricity in the air. But that might have been attributed to the secret service and the bomb sniffing dogs and all the anticipation. The funny thing to me was there was a billionaire I'd never heard of who had much more secret service protection than the former president. But really, after they are out of office, they really don't raise the ire and hate like a sitting president does. They are a footnote in history. All their mistakes are done, for better or worse.

I saw him walk in. He was a good old boy. Joking and the life of the party. I watched him speak on a closed circuit tv. He spun history and current events the way he saw it. And in a roomful of republicans who are paying me to do a job, I just kept my mouth shut. BTW, fraking does pollute the water table. Ask the woman who can light her tap water on fire.

But hearing him speak in a relaxed setting did nothing to change my opinion of him or the job he did in office. He seemed just as unengaged and incurious as he did while running the country. His attempts at humor fell flat for me, but I'm not one of his ilk.

So I wish him well. I was not cleared to shake his hand and have my picture taken with him. I was not given the option. And I wouldn't have done it other than to put it on FB and make a snarky comment. The world doesn't need more snark from me. There is enough.

1 comment:

shelly blaisdell said...

informed, intelligent snark, good.
ignorant snark bad.