The cat under my building circa 2011.
The little black cat came to the short chain link fence around 5 o'clock. I'd spent the day hiding from the early September heat in my apartment. I saw him look from the neighbor's yard into the yard of my apartment. I hadn't put out any food for a couple days because of work and my schedule being weird.
Earlier in August I saw the cat in the front yard of my apartment and thought about him. Because of the drought very few people were watering like they used to, so what was he drinking? There have been 2 bowls sitting in the yard, from when someone was leaving food, I'm guessing for him, for a very long time. Since temps were over 100 for a few weeks I left the cat water. And one day I felt bad for him so I left a can of tuna out from my pantry.
This cat has been wild in my neighborhood for over 5 years. I've not thought much about him (I don't know it's gender so I'm calling it "him.") ever, really. He's never been with people that I can tell. His manner is very wary and careful, always looking around; ready to bolt at the first sign of danger. He passes like a shadow in the night. He used to be under my building 5 years ago, though no one knew how he gained access. I don't know where he sleeps now.
I had picked up cans of cat food and been putting it out on a semi-regular basis in the metal bowl, usually at night. I don't know where he gets his food; birds, rats, mice, bugs? It's got to be a tough life, so I thought I'd help out and give him a free meal every once in a while. Extra calories to keep living. But I've never put out the food at a certain time. Being a wild cat, he doesn't have a schedule or place or time. He just is.
When he came to the fence today I thought about it. Usually he disappears when I go out my kitchen door and doesn't return. I got a pitcher and filled it with a bit of water. I opened up the tin of cat food I had in the pantry. It was a pate style. A big clump of wet brown something with what looked like egg? I unlocked the security door and prepared myself. Out in the rocky front lawn there are fleas. I don't know if there are a lot, but in previous excursions to the front yard, some have jumped on me and hitched a ride into my apartment. A steam cleaning of the rug and flea bombs seemed to remedied the matter, however.
I rushed out, slopped the water into the bowl and dumped the clump of cat food in the other bowl. I retreated back to my door and inspected my legs. I was quick, under 15 seconds, and no fleas had found me.
I stood at my kitchen window and watched. The cat came to the other side of the fence and looked around. I lost it behind a tree as it moved away. Then it appeared at the end of the fence in my front yard. It slowly padded toward the food scanning the area carefully. It sniffed as it got near the food bowl. The food must have been okay because it started eating immediately and looked around in between bites. He was ready to flee at the first sign of trouble. I was thinking it would throw up from eating so fast. Cats and food can be a bit weird.
Something spooked him and he ran out of view. When the coast was clear he came back and continued to eat. It finished off the whole can of food. I have put out food before, but usually after dark so I didn't know if the cat was eating it or maybe a squirrel or rat. This time I had proof the intended animal ate the food. After he finished he had a quick drink. The he walked toward my window, sat down, and groomed himself a bit. He was watching me. Did he know I was his benefactor? Did he care? Was I just some sucker to feel sorry for this hungry little cat?
I figure I'm never going to pet him. He doesn't get close enough to anything to be touched or handled. There's no collar on him so he's a wild cat. I watched him a little bit and the animal lover (sucker) in me wondered if it were possible to fix his situation. He'd been doing okay for over 5 years without me. He probably wouldn't do well if he were captured and adopted. I don't want a cat. I don't have a living situation that is conducive to pet ownership. But I like that I can help out this one cat just a bit.
Though I do wonder if I give this cat food on a semi-regular basis, is it going to fuck up his feral cat mojo? Will he become dependent on me to give him food?
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1 comment:
Nice story. I see correlation. You are a little like this Cat: fiercely independent, wary, minimalist, taking love and friendship when offered but not begging to get in the house. No, you wont mess up his feral cat mojo. You are being kind without assuming the recipient of your kindness owes you his love. I know cats very well. The fact that he hung out for a moment at your window grooming himself was the feral cat equivellant of a dude accepting the beer you offered from you cooler, sitting nearby to drink it but not talking.
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