Thursday, June 18, 2015

Donald Trump, Candidate for School Yard Bully

After 4 flirtations with running for President, Donald Trump has thrown his hat into the ring for President.

It's rare to see a candidate for anything call the others running, LOSERS. Just flat out calling them losers. There is mud slinging in politics, granted. It comes with the territory. But to call someone a loser and make fun of them, it cheapens politics.

Trump is a showman. He's a huckster. Starting with his announcement, he said he sold a Chinese guy an apartment for ten (then he changed it mid thought) fifteen million dollars. On Morning Joe he said the same statement about the apartment, but the selling price had gone up to $55 million. I guess he thought $15 million didn't sound impressive enough.

His general thought is that money is the end all and be all of everything. The more money you have the more important you are. If you have no money you're a LOSER. By this definition 99% of the people in the USA are LOSERS.

Everything he does is HUGE. Or as he pronounces it, UGE. He forgets the H.

The problem with his candidacy is he will get on the debate stage and call Jeb Bush a LOSER. And what happens then? Does the network admonish him? He's already said it. Does JEB! fight back? How does that look?

You're a LOSER Jeb.

No, I'm not! That's the reply of a third grader on the playground.

There's really no good way to respond to that kind of attack on stage.
Humor? "Well, with 4 bankruptcies in your business life you seem to be the biggest loser on the stage. Are you switching to The Biggest Loser once you get out of this race?"
Attack? "You going to talk to Iran like that? Right you have a secret plan to defeat both Iran and ISIS. Elaborate on that"

Well. It might not be that hard to fight him on a debate stage. But then he would just throw bigger bombs and security would have to come in and wrestle him away.

Everything about Trump is he's the best, he's the biggest and when I hear people talk like that, constantly bragging and putting other people down,  I think they are compensating for deep insecurities and a small...


shelly blaisdell said...

oh my god. This is all we need to complete our reputation as a country with an unstable government. I'm certain its only a matter of time before we are occupied by some "advanced" and "benevolent" county who just wants to "help" us.

spartacus said...

There's too many guns in the USA to let that happen.