Monday, April 14, 2014

Organized Lazy

I was working an overnight strike a few weeks back. Taking down a large truss structure by myself. I had some assistance from the AV guys who work for the hotel. When the next shift came in at 5 am things should have gone faster. It didn't. I was busy doing my job and one of the guys who was fresh and not up for 20+ hours didn't really help. He sort of organized the things they needed to do. Things they would do after I've left.

The thing that irked me is I needed help right then. I didn't need to know that they had to go get a lectrun, the clear one or that after that... Having a plan is great but it's tough to move onto the next things when the task at hand is not complete. And when you see someone struggling lend a hand.

But his organizational skills... Wow, kept him from hard work...

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