Saturday, September 29, 2012


I had a sip of coffee the other day.

Not really a big deal for most every other person in Los Angeles. But for me a big deal.

I'll explain. I haven't had a sip of coffee since I was 7. I tried a sip when I was 7, and thoroughly disgusted with the flavor did a spit take and I never had another go. Until Thursday.

I was at work and I had a cup of tea with a lid. Lipton tea is the preferred brand. No fancy peppermint chamomile earl sassparilla tea. Lipton. Simple. Bitter. Now on the stage were other cups identical to mine. I had set mine down and came back to it. Or so I thought. I picked up a cup, pulled off the top and took a drink.

The taste in my mouth was certainly not tea. It was bitter, true, but murky and cold, and pretty fucking awful. I made a twisted face and spit the coffee back into the cup after looking in it to confirm that it was not my tea. I then capped the cup and set it back on the stage. Someone had abandoned the coffee so there a long time ago so there probably was no chance this person would come back ad drink my backwash. I could have done a spit take but that would create a mess.

My mind wonders why people drink it. Why people love it. Why Starbucks makes so much money selling it.

I just don't understand.

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