But not everyone would call themselves a geek. Some are football fans. Some are baseball fans. Some are soccer fans. Also called football in Europe... But fans of sports probably wouldn't call themselves geeks for the Green Bay Packers, or the Boston Red Socks, or Real Madrid. But they are. When someone can tell the stats for a player or about a win or loss that still irks them. They are a geek.
Sci Fi Geeks get a bad wrap because the thing they are geeks about are kinda geeky. But they get the same kind of enjoyment football fans do. "But they dress up like Kirk and Spock!" the football fans might protest. "Yeah, but you have a Brett Favre jersey on. Same thing..." would be my reply. And then I would need to run out of the bar before they took a swing at me...
Being a geek about something is not a bad thing. It makes buying gifts a snap. My dad is a nut for 1957 Lincoln Mark II cars. He owns 2 and has a side business selling parts. So in the past 10 years I have found every model, toy and replica of a Mark II possible to get him as a gift. He loves them. Easy. I had a friend who was a huge Wonder Woman geek. I got her comics in French when I was traveling, and other memorabilia over the 3 years I knew her. She was easy to get gifts for.
I'm a geek about a lot of things. I have a lot of interests and accumulate information and trivia about them as I go thru my life. So be proud of your geek nature and let people know what it is. You will find out how many other people are geeks for things too.
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