Monday, April 4, 2011

Airport Bits and Pieces

I just travelled across the country for a wedding. The experience was interesting as usual. I like to travel and it's generally an adventure of some sort.

Security. I had to get scanned each time I went thru security by the big "see you naked" machine. I thought once was just random, but twice? Hmmm... Then I thought about what I was wearing. I had a loose t-shirt on with a denim shirt over it the first time thru and a dress shirt over a t-shirt the second time thru. So why me twice? Was it random? Did someone think I looked hot and wanted to see me naked? OR was my clothing so baggy that they couldn't tell if I had an explosive belt on underneath? I think it's the latter. I would need to travel again to test this hypothesis. To test it I'd wear a tight shirt thru security and see if I was selected to be scanned.
As I was in the machine I thought, "I wonder how my dick looks in the tight briefs?" I didn't think they'd let me adjust to be more flattering of an image.

Babies. The flight back had a baby in the aisle across from me. We were in the very back row, both on the aisle, and people had no idea that the baby was there because it was being quiet. It was almost a 5 hour flight on the way back, and half way thru some people who knew each other came to the back to hang out and chat. Excuse me, but there's a BABY that is asleep on the plane right next to where you noisy fuckers are yapping. I asked them to hold it down, there's a baby sleeping. They treated me like I asked them to do something distasteful.
A. If you are not using the toilet you are not supposed to make laps around the plane and shoot the shit. You just saw the people in the airport and for the 3 day volleyball tourney, shut the fuck up.
B. It's a baby that is asleep. If the child was screaming it's lungs out for 10 minutes or the whole flight, they would be the ones thinking, "someone should do something about the baby crying."
C. Don't be rude self centered assholes. You are not special despite what your mother told you.

Yeah, the kid wasn't mine, but someone asked the woman with the baby to move because the baby made her nervous. It's a baby not some alien brain sucker. It was cute and thankfully quiet which was amazing for a 7 month old.

Food. Something about the trapped nature of an airport makes it entirely reasonable to charge $9 for a burger from Burger King? You are a captive audience, but damn that is crazy. I brought food so I didn't get screwed at the food court. But since you are stuck with the prices, you agree to buy the food for those inflated prices.

SeatBelt Light. That is there for a reason. The flight had some turbulence and someone standing in the aisle didn't have the common sense to sit down in their fucking seat and fell on a passenger. If we unexpectedly fell 2000' those people might be dead. It's rare, but it has happened in the past.

Baggage Claim. To the man who picked up my bag and was examining it closely, please when I tell you it's my bag, but can't reach it, don't look at me like I'm lying to you, Put it back on the turn table and look for your bag. It's not like there are a lot of purple duffle bags out there. Mine's the only one I've ever seen.

I like travel. A lot. But the people I encounter when I travel make me wonder. How about using some common sense and courtesy?

1 comment:

shelly blaisdell said...

I love humanity. I just can't stand people.
